Laser hair removal treatment is fast becoming the preferred way for women and men to remove unwanted face and body hair. It is effective, fast and long-lasting, and these are just a few of the reasons it has become so popular.
The treatment itself is not known to be excessively painful – causing only mild discomfort – but it can be a little uncomfortable after the treatment whilst the healing and recovery process is taking place.
This is why you need to follow these steps to look after your skin after you’ve had laser hair removal treatment carried out:
• Follow all aftercare advice you are given by your laser treatment specialist, down to the letter
• Go to your aftercare appointments – they are very important
• Put sun cream on all areas you have had treated, especially on holiday or when the sun comes out
• Immediately after the treatment, applying something cooling like ice or a recommended aftercare cream
• Avoid exposure to heat (i.e. the sun, hot baths, saunas etc.)
• Don’t wax or shave the treated area between treatments
• If getting your underarms treated, avoid wearing deodorant immediately after the treatment until your specialist says it’s ok