In puberty, acne typically occurs when hormones begin to kick in. This often coincides with a time when young people believe their appearance is most insecure. Flawless media representations are confronted by teens that also help to make themselves feel more self-conscious. Even if acne occurs later, it may come as a shock and have a negative psychological and emotional effect in a person’s twenties or thirties. Acne can, sadly, leave distinctive marks, suggesting that poor self-esteem and negative body image can persist into adulthood. The Laser Treatment Clinic experts recognise that people who have suffered from mild to serious acne frequently continue for several years to endure blemishes and scars.
In puberty, acne typically occurs when hormones begin to kick in. This often coincides with a time when young people believe their appearance is most insecure. Flawless media representations are confronted by teens that also help to make themselves feel more self-conscious. Even if acne occurs later, it may come as a shock and have a negative psychological and emotional effect in a person’s twenties or thirties. Acne can, sadly, leave distinctive marks, suggesting that poor self-esteem and negative body image can persist into adulthood. The Laser Treatment Clinic experts recognise that people who have suffered from mild to serious acne frequently continue for several years to endure blemishes and scars.
Some people find that by adding makeup and concealer, they can temporarily mask the scarring, but this doesn’t work for everyone. If the scarring is in a prominent location, the cheeks, chin and forehead are usually present. Concealing can be difficult and can cause people to hide away and avoid things such as swimming where makeup can wash off or meeting people first thing in the morning before applying makeup. This unhealthy view of the body will lead people to think that scarring is the first thing anyone will see when they meet them, so they will become shy and self-conscious. They will feel that their appearance and ability to make friends would be impaired by scarring.
The good news is that a solution exists. Acne scar treatment therapies uses Marine Boost therapies such as the Derma White Treatment, resulting in rejuvenated, cleaner skin. This constant, advanced approach to scarring has a significant effect on trust and self-esteem, which means that sufferers no longer have the need to hide away. The need for thick makeup should be gone absolutely after treatment. The trust boost will help to overcome any feelings of anxiety and depression and provide a new lease of life for the client. The outcomes are remarkable and potentially life-changing.
Along with the therapies itself, we use a myriad of advanced skin care options here at the Laser Treatment Clinic to help the skin recover. This includes naturally active skin care products such as Deep Sea Cleanse, moisturiser for skin balancing, Ocean Tone & Marine Fluid Shine Free. That will enable the skin to become soft and smooth once applied on a regular basis. These will also help keep your skin, immediately after treatment, at a more healthy stage.
To see how we can help you treat your acne scars, get in touch with the Laser Treatment Clinic today. Don’t suffer in silence. Get the results you deserve with Acne Scar therapy and creams that really work!