Regular hair removal from unwanted parts of the body is a hygienic and cosmetic routine followed by many people. Women use different techniques to get rid of hair from their underarms, legs, upper lips and bikini areas. Electrolysis, shaving, plucking and waxing are common techniques used for removing unwanted body hair.
Although different techniques are available for hair removal, laser hair removal has gained popularity in the recent past. Unlike other techniques, laser hair removal is an effective and safe way to remove unwanted body hair. This procedure is also affordable and painless.
How do lasers remove the hair?
The laser hair removal technique uses high intensity laser beams to target a substance called melanin in the skin. This pigment is responsible for hair growth. The laser light is used to heat up the follicle and hair. Once the pulsating laser beam light is focused on the skin, it destroys the hair follicle and the melanin component.
Undertaking laser hair removal, patients experience less discomfort and pain compared to other hair removal procedures. While some skin discolouration or swelling can be experienced, it is just a temporary effect. For complete hair removal, patients are required to attend between four and six treatment sessions.
When deciding whether to choose the laser hair removal technique, you should initially find out whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. To find this out, you can check with your family doctor, dermatologist or experienced laser hair removal specialist. If you opt for laser hair removal, you will no longer need to bother about constant shaving and waxing to get rid of your unwanted body hair.