We’ve probably all seen photos on the net of tattoos that went horrendously wrong, exposing their ‘owners’ to world-wide ridicule via the web, but now some of America’s most unfortunate tattoos have been given a TV show. You have to wonder whether it is being sponsored by laser tattoo removal clinics, as some of the examples should be enough to put anyone off even thinking about a tattoo.
From misspellings (Art is Literaey of the Heart), to decisions made while under the influence of alcohol (allowing a heroin addict to try drawing on your skin), the examples are sure to have spectators cringing when the programme airs. Participants will talk about their ill-advised tats as well the reactions they face from people on an everyday basis.
A tattoo artist who appears on the show as she attempts to cover up these offending tattoos with something to be proud of points out that once a tattoo is unwanted, it can be the cause of daily regret. It is a constant reminder of an unpleasant experience or a moment of stupidity.
For some, a cover-up will be enough, while for others, the only way to save their skin will be with laser tattoo removal.