Laser skin treatments provide a credible solution to all your skin problems. They offer solutions for skin tightening, reduction of wrinkles, acne and acne scar reduction, hair removal and tattoo removal. Here we shall discuss in brief how some of these conditions are addressed by laser treatments.
Acne reduction by laser application
Lasers are used for cosmetic as well as medical purposes. As far as hair, tattoo and acne scar removal is concerned lasers have a cosmetic purpose. Acne reduction comes under the medical scope of lasers.
Hirsutism – The condition of excess hair growth in unwanted places finds a painless and trouble free solution in laser treatment. It is a very safe procedure and can be performed on any body part. You can remove hair from your underarms, face, breasts, back or even chin without the fear of any side effects whatsoever. Laser hair removal can also give permanent results in some cases. In most cases however there is significant hair reduction. Some maintenance sessions may be required in some cases after the treatment is over.
Lasers can also prevent repeated outbreaks of acne and the application of lasers can lead to significant acne scar reduction which will give you clear skin. Laser acne reduction works by way of disabling the oil producing capacity of sebaceous glands. The scars are reduced by a procedure called laser skin resurfacing. In this procedure, the scars are vapourised and the collagen is stimulated.