For many people, unwanted hair is a big problem but getting rid of it is painful. Methods like using hair removal creams, waxing, shaving or electrolysis needles are very painful and these methods do not remove the hair permanently. Now, laser hair removal treatment is the ultimate solution, which will help you get rid of unwanted hair without any pain.
The laser hair removal process
The laser hair removal process uses a low-energy to remove the hair from your skin and this will completely end the routine of shaving and waxing. In the laser hair removal treatment, the area is shaved and cleaned first, and then some cream is applied on the surface of the skin. The laser then produces beams of highly powerful and concentrated light. The light is absorbed by the pigments in the hair follicles, which damages the surrounding follicle.
Laser treatment can treat more than one hair at a time and it treats larger areas like arms, shoulders, legs, face and back. Laser hair removal treatment is safe, effective and faster than any other hair removal method.
If compared to waxing, shaving and electrolysis, laser hair removal treatment covers larger areas effectively. Laser treatment is effective in almost any area of the body where unwanted hair needs to be removed.
After the treatment:
After the treatment is completed, you can return to your normal daily activities and you need to apply the cream which has been prescribed by your physician. Sometimes the use of sunscreen is recommended on the treated area if the area is regularly exposed to the sun.