The Only Way is Essex star Lydia Bright has unveiled some new semi-permanent make up eyebrows she recently had done in London. Semi-permanent make up can offer fantastic results when done properly like Lydia’s. They can frame the features of the face, highlighting the eyes and bringing elegance.
They can also make life much easier for those who, for whatever reason, maybe lacking in eyebrows; no need to pencil them in every morning and risk getting it wrong! It is very important however to make sure that the tattoo artist doing the work knows exactly what they are doing.
Botched eyebrows can look awful, and they are impossible to conceal. Semi-permanent make up can be a god-send, but if done badly, it can be an absolute nightmare. If you have been unfortunate enough to end up with a permanently surprised expression or your tattoos simply don’t look as you thought they would, don’t panic!
You don’t have to put up with your semi-permanent makeup tattoos. Laser tattoo removal works on semi-permanent makeup in the same way as it does on normal tattoos, causing them to fade away and restore your appearance to its natural state.